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The advantages of a manure robot

De voordelen van een mestrobot

The advantages of a manure robot: a cleaner one Barn and healthier cows

A manure robot is an automatic vehicle that drives around in the Barn to remove manure. The robot navigates independently through the Barn and adapts to the changing environment. Manure robots are becoming increasingly popular among dairy farmers, and for good reason. In this article we discuss the most important advantages of a manure robot.

1. Ease of work and time saving

One of the biggest advantages of a manure robot is perhaps the ease of work. The robot takes the manure scraping off the hands of the livestock farmer, which saves time and physical strain. The robot can work 24/7, including at night and on weekends, making the Barn is always clean. This ensures optimal hygiene and a pleasant working environment for the livestock farmer.

2. Better animal health

A clean one Barn is essential for cow health. Manure can lead to udder health problems, claw problems and respiratory diseases. By the Barn If you keep it clean regularly with a manure robot, these problems can be prevented. Clean bedding bedding also promotes the lying comfort of the cows, which leads to better rest and optimal milk production.

3. Healthier stable environment

Manure not only makes for dirty cows, but also for an unhealthy stable environment. Ammonia fumes released at manure can be harmful to the lungs of livestock farmers and animals. By removing manure efficiently with a manure robot, the ammonia concentration in the Barn reduced. This ensures a cleaner and healthier stable environment.

4. Flexible in use

Manure robots can be used flexibly in different stable types and dimensions. The robot can be installed in both new and existing stables. There are various models of manure robots on the market, each with their own capabilities and functions. This means there is always a robot that fits at the needs of the farmer.

5. Cost-effective in the long term

Purchasing a manure robot is an investment, but it can be cost-saving in the long term. Due to the ease of work, improved animal health and more efficient manure processing, the livestock farmer saves time, money and resources.


The benefits of one manure robot are numerous. Manure robots provide a cleaner environment Barn, healthier cows, better air quality and a reduction in the workload for the livestock farmer. Are you considering purchasing a manure robot? Please contact a specialist to discuss the options and see which robot suits you best at your Barn.