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Professional vs. do-it-yourself maintenance of the Milking robot,

Professioneel vs. doe-het-zelf-onderhoud van de melkrobot

The maintenance of one Milking robot, is an essential aspect of modern dairy farming and ensures efficiency, animal health and productivity. The rise of automation in agriculture has brought about major changes in the way dairy farms are managed, with milking robots at the forefront of this technological revolution.

However, these advanced machines entail high maintenance costs. When a livestock farmer takes on maintenance tasks, this can result in significant savings. This article examines the potential annual savings a livestock farmer can realize by independently carrying out maintenance on a Milking robot, .

Initial investment and operating costs

The initial investment in one Milking robot, can vary from EUR: 120,000 to EUR: 180,000, while annual operating costs, including maintenance, are between EUR 5,000 and EUR: 10,000. These amounts vary depending on the model, manufacturer and the specific needs of the company.

Professional vs. do-it-yourself maintenance

Professional maintenance services are comprehensive and include software updates, mechanical repairs and routine checks. However, the costs of these services can add up quickly, significantly impacting a farm's operating budget.

However, a farmer who carries out his own maintenance can drastically reduce these costs. Although not all maintenance tasks are suitable for DIY due to the complexity of the machines and safety concerns, many routine checks and simple repairs can be carried out effectively by the farmer.

Potential savings
Routine maintenance: This includes cleaning sensors, checking and replacing filters, and lubricating moving parts. Professional services can charge EUR: 500 to EUR: 1000 for these tasks, while the material costs for a farmer would be considerably lower, around EUR: 100 to EUR: 200

Software updates: Some manufacturers offer software updates that can be downloaded and installed by the farmer, saving costs associated with technician visits, which can range from EUR: 200,-until EUR: 500,- per update.

Minor repairs:

Replacing worn or damaged ones parts as Tubes, seals and small electrical components can often be done by the farmer himself. While a professional service labor plus the cost of parts can charge, only the costs for self-execution are parts and may require some specialized tools, leading to savings of up to 50% on such repairs.

Investment in skills and knowledge
The most important investment for a farmer who chooses the DIY route is time and education. Learning to maintain one Milking robot, requires a significant investment of time to understand the machine's mechanism and software. However, many manufacturers offer training and there is a wealth of information available online, including forums, manuals and instructional videos.

Risk consideration
It's crucial that farmers know their limits when it comes to DIY maintenance. Some tasks require professional intervention, especially those involving core robot programming and complex mechanical repairs, to avoid voiding the warranty or causing costly damage.

On average, a farmer can save between EUR: 2,000 and EUR: 5,000 per year by carrying out maintenance tasks yourself Milking robot, . These savings come from lower labor costs, cheaper access to parts and the elimination of travel costs for maintenance technicians.

However, the exact amount depends on the farmer's ability to perform these tasks effectively and the complexity of the maintenance required. Embracing DIY maintenance for milking robots not only offers financial benefits, but also promotes a better understanding of the equipment, leading to better operational decisions and potentially longer equipment life.