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The benefits of boluses in cows

De voordelen van bolussen bij koeien

The benefits of boluses in cows

A bolus is an orally administered medicine or supplement for cows in the form of a pill or paste. They are increasingly used in livestock farming due to the many advantages they offer over other administration methods, such as injections or drenching. In this article we look at the main benefits of boluses for cows.

1. Simple and fast Administer

One of the biggest advantages of boluses is their simple and fast administration. Unlike injections, which must be administered by a veterinarian or trained livestock farmer, boluses can be given by the livestock farmer himself. This saves time and costs, and makes it easier to treat cows regardless of location.

2. Less stress for the cow

It Administer of a bolus is much less stressful for the cow than other methods. No injection or other drastic action is required, which keeps the cow calmer and experiences less anxiety. This is especially important for cows that are already sick or stressed.

3. Accurate dosage

Boluses contain a precise dosage of the medicine or supplement, which ensures optimal absorption by the cow. With other methods, such as drenching, it is more difficult to determine the exact amount, which can lead to under or overdose.

4. Less risk of infections

Because there is at the Administer a bolus does not require an injection, there is also less risk of infections. This is important for the health of the cow and hygiene on the farm.

5. Wide range of applications

Boluses are available for a wide range of applications in cows. There are boluses for:

  • Prevention and treatment of mineral deficiencies: calcium deficiency around calving (milk fever), copper deficiency, selenium deficiency, ...
  • Treatment of diarrhea: anti-diarrhoeal remedies
  • Support for energy management: energizers with vitamins and minerals
  • Worm cure: worm remedies
  • Antibiotics: in some cases

Important: consult your veterinarian

Before administering a bolus to your cows, it is important to consult your veterinarian. The vet can advise you on the correct bolus for your specific situation and the correct dosage.

With their many benefits, boluses offer a valuable addition to livestock farming for treating and supporting cows.


Boluses are a simple, fast and effective way to administer medicines and supplements to cows. They offer numerous advantages over other methods, such as minimal stress on the animals, accurate dosing and a lower risk of infections.