
The largest supplier of milking robots and Milking parlour parts.


Become a HappyPartner

Our HappyPartner program offers independent service technicians a powerful network and the right tools to create more satisfied farmers together. We look forward to working with you and increasing your earning potential.

HappyPartner Program

The HappyPartner program is designed to strengthen the bond with our partners, combine forces, and accelerate joint growth. Exactly: 1 + 1 = 3!

Working with the right partner is the key to success. By continuously expanding our knowledge and innovating every day, we make a difference together. That is the strength of HappyFarmer. This makes us the ideal partner for service technicians of milking robots who strive for growth and development.

As a HappyPartner, you benefit from numerous advantages and receive extensive support in the field of milking technology and stable supplies.

The benefits of a strong partnership at a glance.

  • Robust revenue opportunity

    Get a new chance to grow your business by collaborating with the
    world leader in spare parts for milking robots.

  • Reliable expertise

    Take advantage of our leading, independent experience with milking robots and our reliable reputation for new, innovative products.

  • Top technology

    Offer farmers a wide range of milking robot parts, including new and innovative products. Be the first to receive HappyFarmer-innovations .

A partner program for everyone

Fill in your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We will contact you without obligation regarding the program and your potential participation.

nl Netherlands
au Australia
at Austria
by Belarus
be Belgium
bg Bulgaria
cad Canada
cn China
hr Croatia
cy Cyprus
cz Czechia
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ee Estonia
fi Finland
fr France
de Germany
gr Greece
hk Hong Kong SAR
hu Hungary
is Iceland
in India
ie Ireland
il Israel
it Italy
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lt Lithuania
lu Luxembourg
my Malaysia
mx Mexico
nz New Zealand
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pl Poland
pt Portugal
ro Romania
ru Russia
sg Singapore
sk Slovakia
si Slovenia
kr South Korea
es Spain
se Sweden
ch Switzerland
tr Turkey
ua Ukraine
ae United Arab Emirates
gb United Kingdom
us United States